As per the data published by WHO, over 400 million people can benefit from the use of hearing aids. However, over 83% never receive or opt for one. 

Despite you being aware, you might be one of these people if you are facing any of the following:

  • A ringing or buzzing sound in your ear
  • Difficulty hearing conversations and low voices
  • Having to concentrate when listening to hear the words
  • Headaches
  • Having trouble maintaining your balance

While hearing issues can be self-diagnosed to some extent, it is always better to visit a hearing test polyclinic or your doctor for a more accurate evaluation.

About Hearing Aids

The devices are designed to catch and amplify sound from the surroundings via a combination of electronic devices. Most of them contain:

  • A mic to pick up sound
  • Amplifier circuits
  • A mini speaker that goes inside the ear canal
  • Batteries

Hearing aids capture the sounds from the surroundings. These are then converted to electrical signals and sent to the speaker that is placed in the inner ear/ ear canal.

By using quality hearing aids, people can have the following benefits:

  • Reduced ringing in the ears
  • Improved mental and physical health
  • Easier to interpret speech
  • Easy communication

Why opt for a hearing test polyclinic?

Visit a hearing test polyclinic to get fitted with the right device

Experts and doctors at the hearing test polyclinic will perform clinical tests to accurately diagnose your condition by checking your range of hearing. Further, they will advise you regarding the best way to proceed regarding your hearing impediment.

This may involve a prescription for:

  • Ear drops
  • Medications
  • Hearing aids
How do hearing test polyclinics work?

To test the range of your hearing, clinics use the below tests:

  • Pure tone audiometry

This involves:

  • Sitting in a sound proof room
  • Inserting earphones
  • Delivering sounds of varying frequencies using an audiometer
  • Recording your responses
  • Bone conduction tests

Your audiologist will do the following:

  • Attach a device on your ear/ forehead
  • Send sound waves via the device to your inner ear
  • Speech test

Similar to the audiometry test, you will hear words via the earphones (at different tones and volumes) and repeat them.

  • Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)

This detects your brainwave activity when you hear certain sounds

  • Otoacoustic emissions test (OAE)

This is done to make sure your inner ear is working. A probe placed in your ear will measure the feedback received from the inner ear.

  • Tympanometry

To register the movement of your ear drum, a probe is placed in your ear and a graph is plotted based on eardrum movement.

By using the above tests, hearing test polyclinics provide an accurate diagnosis of your condition.

How do audiologists get Hearing Aids Fitted? 

Your audiologist will do the following:

  • Measure the size of your ear
  • Assess the medical condition 
  • Perform sound tests 
  • Make sure that the device fits comfortably
  • Provide a demo
  • Inform you about the device’s upkeep

The design of your earpiece will be chosen based on the severity of your case. 

Various types of hearing aid designs available

Get fitted with the right hearing aid

Your hearing test polyclinic will suggest you a range of devices based on your condition and comfort level. Depending on how they are fitted, these devices are classified as:

Behind the ear aids (BTE)

In these sturdy devices, most parts are fitted in a plastic casing that will rest behind your ear. Further, these are meant for people of all ages and can be molded to fit different ear sizes.

Receiver in canal aids (RIC)

Being less bulky, they reduce the plugged up feeling in the ear that is usual for a hearing aid.

In the ear aids (ITE)

This design involves all parts of the hearing aid being cased inside a shell. This is intended to fit inside the outer part of the ear.

In the canal aids (ITC)

These compact devices are built to be molded to the shape of the ear and sit partially inside the ear canal. The small size makes them comfortable, discreet, and easy to wear, especially for people with glasses.

Completely in the canal aids (CIC)

These are meant to be worn completely inside the ear canal. However, they can only help patients with only mild to moderate hearing loss.

Invisible in canal aids (IIC)

Being the most compact and innovative of all available designs, these are supposed to be inserted deep inside the ear canal. While nearly undetectable, they also provide a better quality of sound. However, for those with issues, handling them can be difficult.

How to pick the right hearing aid?

The type of hearing aid you will need is determined by the extent of your hearing disability. Your doctor/ ENT will conduct a detailed evaluation of your physical condition to prescribe the right type of hearing aid. 

Further, you may also look at:

  • Hearing tests to analyze
    • Sound quality
    • Impedance
    • Tone
  • Technical features
    • Type of battery used
    • Ear placement
    • Connectivity (for digital hearing aids)
  • Evaluate if there are options for a virtual fitting or care
  • Your insurance coverage
  • Prices of the options

You can find that quality devices like Signia hearing aid prices in Singapore might just be in your budget while offering a range of devices.

Will a hearing aid from the polyclinics be helpful?

Get a hearing aid fitted by a clinic

While you may be thinking that hearing test polyclinics can be very pricey, the case might not be so. Most clinics in Singapore are designed to be client friendly and affordable while providing quality care.

By getting a hearing aid from a reliable polyclinic, you can do the following:

  • Be less dependent on people around you
  • Increase your quality of life
  • Listen to devices at a normal volume
  • Carry on conversations even when the surroundings are noisy

To conclude:

It is true that over the counter solutions are available for hearing aids. However, the prices of quality devices like Signia hearing aid prices in Singapore can be surprisingly budget friendly.

Let the hearing test polyclinics check your medical condition and find you the perfect hearing solution.

Visit our home-page for more information

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