After a hectic week of work, what you exactly need is a massage. If the massage is Ayurvedic, it is simply icing on the cake!

An Ayurvedic massage in Wembley helps you to rejuvenate and restore your Marma points and enables you to relieve stress. There is nothing better than Ayurveda treatments if you are looking for a restoring massage that would alleviate stress and help to attain the ultimate body restoration.

In the following article, we shall explore the top 8 relaxing massages.

Head to an Ayurvedic Massage Centre for Total Restoration

Ayurvedic massage focuses on a person’s body to relax. Your body gets rejuvenated, and the Ayurvedic treatments repair your inner soul. Consider the following:

1. Shirodhara

Massages are more than simple Ayurveda treatments; they treat you holistically and eradicate the dosha from the root cause. This particular therapy is a deep relaxing massage that involves the application of warm oils on the body. The practitioner in charge strokes and motions the oil in your body in a way that it hits all your marma points.

Shirodhara massage helps you to balance the body’s energy system, reduce stress, and promote body relaxation. This Ayurvedic massage in Wembley helps in promoting mind concentration and nourishes hair and scalp for better hair growth.

2. Abhyanga

One of the most common Ayurvedic massages in Wembley, this is hailed as one of the most effective ones. Before starting this treatment, your bowels and bladder should be cleared. Your body is activated by applying therapeutic oils on the vertex and is massaged for 2-3 minutes.

The practitioner then begins massaging your body with strokes of oil at 5 marma points.  This massage continues for fifteen minutes. The benefits that can be reaped from this massage include reducing metabolic waste, reducing pain and swelling, improving the complexion and texture of the skin

3. Padabhyanga massage

Pada in Sanskrit implies feet. This massage begins by applying warm oil onto your feet and is then taken upward the body. Padabhyanga Massage is more like an Ayurveda treatment of the feet that activates the distressed veins and points on our feet.

In general, we do not pay much attention to our feet. But Ayurveda has a different outlook. In Ayurveda, feet are given quite a lot of importance as massaging them implies having a positive effect on the nerves. Usually, sesame oil is preferred for this massage.

4. Pizcichil

When discussing stress, it is important to consider oil massages. Nothing better than Pizchchil in this context! This is an indulgent and rejuvenating experience during which lukewarm herbal oils are applied to the entire body.

The novelty of this massage lies not in the oils, but in the strokes – slow movement and rhythm. Known for strengthening immunity, liquefying toxins and increasing the flexibility of the body, this particular massage is a favourite of many individuals.

5. Choornaswedan

Following a full body massage with dosha-specific oils, this Ayurvedic massage harrow has gained popularity across retreats. Swedan means sweating, so the recipient walks in the Ayurvedic centre to experience therapeutic sweating that is induced by the application of warm herbal poultices.

This massage is known for relieving muscle pain stiffness, rheumatism, arthritis, and sports injuries.

6. Tarpana or Akshi Tarpana

Ayurveda massage Harrow offers a rejuvenating experience based on ancient Indian healing techniques. Utilizing herbal oils tailored to individual doshas, these massages aim to balance body and mind, promoting overall well-being. The treatment helps alleviate stress, improve circulation, and detoxify the body.

The recipient is asked to lie on the droni table with a ring of flour mush made around the eyes. Ghee is then poured on this and gently rubbed around the eyes. Once the medicated ghee is spread, the eyes are intermittently opened and closed for a period not exceeding five minutes. This experience is effective for treating tired eyes as well as similar eye issues.

7. Talapodhichil

This massage is yet again one which serves more like an Ayurveda treatment. Here, an herbal head pack is applied which relaxes the mind. One can feel a cooling sensation that will help the person to do away with insomnia, stress, and migraines.

8. Shiro abhyanga

This is the ultimate head massage, which covers the head mainly (as Shiro means head).  A powerful calming and relaxing massage is done over the head, neck, shoulder, and upper back. Ideal for anyone who is stressed, the massage aids in improving the quality of sleep and nourishes the hair roots.


Ayurveda massage Harrow is one of the most old-aged practices that help you retrieve, revitalise, and rejuvenate bodies. These have more of a holistic approach and dig deep into the doshas and misbalanced constituencies. Ayurvedic treatments are an excellent source of getting rid of stress accumulated over the week, months, or even years. Find a reliable retreat and start visiting there to bring a change to your health.

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